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Connecting with your future occupational therapy workforce

OT Futures strives to integrate professional leadership among universities, professional bodies, major employers, and individual occupational therapists to meet demand and progress quality and sustainability of occupational therapy student education in Queensland.

OT Futures aims to promote state-wide collaboration and leadership to ensure a strategic and innovative approach to occupational therapy student education across Queensland.

Interested in training, hosting, offering a placement or something else? 

Contact Us


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A shortage of Occupational Therapists is recognised across state and federal governments. The recent Royal Commission into Aged Care suggests a 46% shortage in the aged care industry alone (Duckett, 2021).  The role of Occupational Therapists is pertinent to enabling Australians to do the things they want to do, need to do and have to do.  The ever-growing need for interventions across the lifespan to support independence for people with disabilities, people with mental health conditions and services promoting health and wellbeing for children, youth and families emphasizes the need for collaboration across the sector. 

OT Futures aims to promote and support high quality, sustainable student placement opportunities to maintain best practice standards of occupational therapy.

Duckett, S. and Swerissen, H. (2021). Unfinished business: Practical policies for better care at home. Grattan Institute.

Occupational Therapy Australia(2022), Australian Government The Treasury: Pre-Budget Submission. 

Our Values

  • A commitment to open and authentic state-wide collaboration and engagement
  • Recognition of a commonality of purpose, passion, and commitment to student placements
  • A desire to drive engagement of the occupational therapy profession in student placements
  • A desire to grow the occupational therapy profession by ensuring quality student placements
  • Support of student placement education, research and knowledge translation to promote high quality practice education experiences and outcomes
  • A commitment to growing student placement opportunities in a diversity of occupational therapy practice areas



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Securing your workforce through student placements

This is an opportunity to shape the future of your occupational therapy practice by offering student placements! Many students report feelings of connection and comfort after a quality student placement experience. Placements offer you a natural pathway to recruiting work ready graduate Occupational Therapists.

The potential benefits and value that occupational therapy students can add to an organisation are detailed in this interesting conversation with Chrisdell and Alison at Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH). It's sure to get you thinking about the possibilities for your own service!

How placements can add value

Future-proof your occupational therapy workforce

Have you been wondering how to access future occupational therapy graduates? Contact Us now and we will connect you with your local OT Futures representative.  This will enable you to support your workplace to develop sustainable occupational therapy placements for students who will soon be entering the workforce. 

You're headed to placement

OT Futures has strong networks within the industry who are looking to connect with you.  Here you can find out about your placement assessment, practice standards and other useful resources.

Contact Us

How can you be involved in providing practice education experiences for students?

Need to know more about practice education and student placements? 

Are you interested in joining the OT Futures collaborative? 

Interested in training, hosting, offering a placement or something else? 

Please contact us: