Occupational Therapists are in high demand. Increase your chance of gaining an outstanding graduate position upon completion of your degree by demonstrating your employability skills during your placements.
Preparation is everything! Feeling prepared and in control will provide a smooth orientation and allows you to embrace the challenges ahead on this steep learning curve!
As students on practice education placements, your roles and experiences are guided by a range of professional resources
Professional Competency Standards (OTC, 2018) OTA Code of Ethics Student Placement Evaluation Form (SPEF-R2)
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Occupational Therapy students are often entering practice education placements with significant theoretical knowledge and require guidance to develop their practical occupational therapy skills. Students can access this site to understand the SPEF-R2©, what to expect on placement and practical information to promote the success of placements. Students are provided information to challenge their skills and to have a resource they can be referred to when on placement.
Useful insights
It's important for us to get the direct perspective of the student. Sarah, an OT student from Southern Cross University on the Gold Coast, sits down with us to discuss her practice education journey. Sarah provides advice for students to help them make the most of their placement experience.
Contact Us
How can you be involved in providing practice education experiences for students?
Need to know more about practice education and student placements?
Are you interested in joining the OT Futures collaborative?
Interested in training, hosting, offering a placement or something else?
Please contact us: info@otfutures.com